The story behind my research

An ITC receiver with a cohererOne of my first ITC receiver, utilizing a coherer

Since my childhood, I have been passionate about technology and science. I wanted to be an "inventor," which even in my generation of baby boomers, was rarely a future future wish of boys. I read everything our then public library had to offer about physics, chemistry, technology and inventors, But my favorite book was a biography of Thomas Alva Edison, in whose personality I found myself.

Having grown up in good but simple circumstances, I quickly learned to achieve the maximum with limited means. I have almost perfected this skill to this day and can still build anything I want in a very small space with just a few tools. Early on, my father taught me the basics of electronics. And I started to build radio circuits, amplifiers, experimented with photo transistors and high frequency transmitters. Later, the typical circuits of my generation with microcontrollers and programming software were added.

But there was a second, no less important component of my motivation, which always remained somewhat hidden. It was fed by the strong feeling that that behind the material world in which we live there is something else that is invisible and yet very close. Thus, already as a teenager I came into contact with books about the paranormal and read the literature available at that time. However, unlike my enthusiasm for technology, I had never been practically involved with the paranormal. I simply did not find a lever with which I could have realized a practical application in the field of the paranormal. The time was simply not yet ripe for it.

Many years passed, during which I went through all kinds of worldviews to find my place. By now I was a graduate engineer in electrical/communications engineering and already had several years of professional experience. Typically after a deep life crisis, as is so often the case with people who are seriously seeking their way in life, I rooted myself in spirituality. Not only because I found there a home for all my thoughts and experiences beyond our world, but also because I suddenly had an opportunity to put my technical knowledge into practice within the framework of my spiritual worldview. my spiritual worldview in a practical way. When I first became involved with the topic of the "Electronic Voice Phenomenon", I was still quite frightened about the possible consequences. I was still too caught up in the material worldview of death, which was simply not able to encompass the concepts of life and death in the right way.

Very quickly, however, I came up with ideas for device concepts that were quite different from the standard techniques, such as radio or microphone pickup, that had become established in instrumental transcommunication. It was years of a wild roller coaster ride, with one idea after another coming at me in such rapid succession, that I hardly got a chance to test my developments sufficiently, because the next idea wanted to be realized immediately. In 6 years I have gone through an immensely steep learning curve and met more like-minded people than I could have ever dreamed of. Eventually, I became a founding member of VARANORMAL. During this time, I experienced the flowering of my ideas and enjoyed contact with ICT researchers in the United States, England, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, France, Australia, and New Zealand.

However, I increasingly had the feeling that there are hardly any suitable platforms for publishing research results. A forum like VARANORMAL is very quickly overloaded with topics and the lack of clarity quickly leads to overwhelm and frustration among newcomers. They then do not know where to start and where to stop and are quickly tempted to browse only the latest topics briefly. Most of the information in the forum then remains unused. A website has basically the same problem. At some point it became clear to me that only the classic magazine format can acquaint the reader with current research results in good doses. As an editor, you can control the content well and group it according to focus. grouped according to focus. Dr. Anabela Cardose has masterfully demonstrated this with her "ITCJ Journal." It was also this journal that accompanied me in my early years in ITC into ITC and served as my template for The Etheral Wave.

It is my hope to reach with my journal people who carry within themselves a hidden interest in everything that has its place not in the material world. I hope that sharing my knowledge and the conclusions I have gained in my research will keep the research branch of instrumental transcommunication alive. The uniqueness of this research lies in its ability to bridge from the realm of scientific observation of a physically manifested phenomenon to other dimensions of being. However, the greatest significance lies in the realization that death as we think we know it simply does not exist. If mankind could recognize globally that death is only a gateway through which we pass, leaving behind us what has become obsolete and our whole selves, our experiences and memories, our ways of seeing. evolve from cycle to cycle, in which we reincarnate in the dimensions, the life of people here on earth would change fundamentally and fear would be replaced by knowledge and meaning. I think this is reason enough to continue my work, because these other worlds exist!

Transimage of a houseTransimage of a house in a forest of fire and colors